文思海辉技术有限公司(以下简称文思海辉)注意到个别媒体报道Ness Technologies对本公司在美国提起诉讼,现就此事声明如下:

Ness Technologies对文思海辉的指控是毫无根据的,我司坚决否认。并购过程中,文思海辉一直严格恪守合约,投入了大量人力、物力、财力按CFIUS(美国外资投资委员会)要求积极推进审批流程。但Ness Technologies从自身利益考虑选择了终止合约,同时向文思海辉提出不实的指控。文思海辉将积极应诉,采取法律手段维护自身合法权益。






Pactera Technology International Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as Pactera) have noticed that some media have reported the recent Ness Technologies' lawsuit against us in the United States, to which we issue the following statement:


The allegations against Pactera in the lawsuit are without basis and are vehemently denied by Pactera. Pactera has diligently complied with the provisions of the contract. In fact, Pactera has invested a significant amount of time, labor and costs in meeting the CFIUS’ requirements. Despite Pactera’s efforts, Ness Technologies chose to terminate the contract in their own interests, whilst also making false allegations against Pactera. Pactera will vigorously defend the lawsuit which is unmeritorious.


 Pactera Technology International Ltd.,

13th December 2017